Happy Easter

Dear Members of the Australian Taekwondo Academy Marmion Coast. Conditioning is an integral component of the Martial arts. The unusual situation we presently find ourselves in offers an excellent opportunity to enhance the conditioning of our Martial Arts mind, in that it posts yet another picture in the album of our life experiences. Amidst the global medical threat we face, we have to deal with unprecedented panic, uncertainty and high levels of anxiety. The answer is: Take some time out, practice your techniques and patterns, grappling defense, hand sparring, kick sparring and free sparring. All this can be done in a visualised version. It requires your undivided attention, taking focus away from all the troubles of a confused world. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Happy Easter, from Brian and myself. God Bless


A virus like no other

Congratulations to the creators of all those psycho-actively inspired virus images floating in the background of the current news reports, which are constantly changing contour, colour and their subliminal messages. This is creativity at its best, enhanced by abstract surrealism, or perhaps, LSD.