Inspired by boredom

It is common knowledge and logical that we are able to think more clearly when relaxed, in absence of distractions. Some of the greatest scientific break-throughs and inventions were made in a state of relaxation, such as the principle of Archimedes or Einstein’s E=mc2. Both were inspired and stimulated by the elements of the moment, such as water, landscape, flora and nature’s physical forces. On the other hand, I find that active boredom has a similar effect i.e. when combined with a monotonous task, like cleaning the house or weeding the garden, during which time much of what I’ve written in books and blogs occurred to me. The best plants grow out of manure, active boredom is the manure of the mind. Having exhausted all the inspirational capacity of weeding and cleaning, which didn’t take long, my mind now wanders freely and effortlessly, brushing a frameless canvas.