Besides the increased level of attention mental health has been receiving in recent years and even more so during the current corona virus crisis, I find that the ‘social soil’ is very poor, a breeding ground for mental illness. The focus is treatment driven with little or no education on prevention.
Stress and anxiety, both conspicuous and silent are promoted in our hyperactive society that blindly runs ‘full speed ahead’ on overdrive.
Good news is quickly killed off by anxiety provoking horror predictions, quoting anonymous or fictitious experts. Constant, persistent panic mongering prevails, so does cut-throat competition in all aspects of daily life. Express learning and achievement leave us no ‘time to breathe’.
People ask for answers, seeking effortless solutions that only exist within their own fertile imagination. Help comes in vain when people don’t want to be helped but supported in ruining their lives with drugs and mind mutilating habits. Help often comes in the form of advice, which calls for effort, the reason why it is mostly ignored in the present ‘age of entitlement’.
‘Evil flourishes when good people do nothing’. Stress-based mental illness flourishes when people are too complacent and ignore the symptoms, as I did many years ago, eventually burned out and hit ‘rock bottom’.
Find out how I utilised the ‘enormously powerful human mind’ and travelled the journey of and far beyond recovery, becoming enriched with invaluable knowledge and insight, which I now share with the world, helping people to cultivate and maintain good mental health.
Read my book: “Journey of Life”, especially Chapter 3 Anxiety and Chapter 15 Relaxation. Download from this website.
“I consider myself not only cured, but also more content, healthier and happier than ever before”. (‘Journey of Life’ Chapter 3 Anxiety).
“The future is bright for those who are willing to make an effort to live in it, and it starts now”.