In perspective, here are a few humble questions and messages for those who want ‘their’ climate back.
“Exactly what climate do you want back”? The ice ages, temperate ages, or perhaps the transition ages? Would you prefer to have the Sahara covered in rainforest again while central Europe is an arid land?
We have adapted to climatic and geological changes since we were ‘one-cellers’, and we are still here. Are you telling us that we should stop adapting and rather try and halt the processes of nature and evolution, which we are part of?
Presently, the human species, almost religiously cultivates pressing, high speed changes to art, technology, fashion trends and even of partners/spouses. Hardly a day goes by without changes or updates to the internet, banking, insurance policies or legislation. Opinions and personal interests, tastes and preferences from the political to nutrition, medicine, art, sport etc. keep changing like the weather. Yet ironically, you want the climate to stagnate?
Evolution and life itself are the product of change and adaptation. Quite simply, if it wasn’t for geological and climatic changes, life on earth would not exist, in fact we wouldn’t even have made it to be one-cellers.
Clearly, we have a pollution problem and much needs to be done. Let’s not ignore the fact that much has already been done and much work is in progress. Every time I travel, I am surprised by the enormous presence of private and commercial wind and solar farms, wherever I go. Let’s not ignore the fact that the electrification of cars, ships and even aircraft is well in progress, so is the clean-up and recycling of waste. Tree farms are a fast-growing business. Those facts are largely drowned out by the screams of ignorant, doomsday prophetical campaigners who instigate ill-informed young people to sacrifice some of their education, in support of their campaigns. A lack of education happens to be causing most of the world’s problems, which proceed from world views based on ignorance, half-truths, myths and lies. Only the whole truth counts, and facts don’t lie. Half-truths, myths and lies facilitate a perceived hopelessness leading to social and mental illness. One can be forgiven for ‘not knowing’ but ‘not wanting to know’ is deliberate and in-excusable.
I remember a prediction by renowned scientists in the 1970’s that carbon emissions coupled with the depletion of the ozone layer will lead to the extermination of all life on earth by the year 2000. I don’t know what happened to the ozone hole, it seems to have lost it’s appeal. The carbon apocalypse however, has been brought forward and postponed countless of times, making it hard to keep track. Now, some are demanding zero emissions by 2050, which is long after most of the predicted climate apocalypses. In desperation, I will again have to ask an intellectual to ‘please explain’, because common sense just cannot grasp this concept.
To promote a world view or a cause by means of provocation of fear and panic mongering, facilitates poor mental health in society. Chronic anger is a symptom of weakness, a bad consultant, and certainly not a peacemaker; ‘Blah blah Greta’ take note, ‘cheer up and chill out’.
To campaign for a just cause which you actually understand, is a passionate mission not a lifestyle or a career. I highly respect genuine campaigners who, besides addressing the problem and making themselves heard in a civilised manner and on their own informed initiative, also actively participate in ‘hands-on’ activities such as clean-up or tree planting projects, during their ‘free time’. To put it boldly, instead of angrily demonising and branding anyone who disagrees with you, calling them sceptics and deniers, “pick up a shovel and become part of the solution”.
P.S. “No-one ‘owns’ the climate”.

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