Dear members of the ‘Australian Taekwondo Academy Marmion Coast’
While the world faces the challenge of yet another virus, this time called corona, or crown, it helps to view the present situation in perspective. Most experts agree that medically this pandemic will eventually come to an end, like every preceding one. The mental bug which has infected society at large, however, proves to be a much harder nut to crack. Whilst much has been said, addressing the ridicule of all the hysteria, panic and phobia, the fear mongering still escalates creating wide-spread anxiety and depression, which weakens the immune system and hence, makes us more vulnerable to infection. We live in an era where prayer and focus has been substituted with panic and despair. This presents us with yet another opportunity to utilise our ‘Martial Arts Mindset’, which equips us to deal with any difficult, challenging or threatening situation in a civilised and competent manner. It enables us to respond to the facts at hand, distant from fear, worry, assumptions, and most of all, to remain calm, as we would do in a ‘real life fight’. For a deep insight into our martial arts mind’ read ‘Journey of Life’, download it directly from this website. If you have already read it, read again. Recommend it to your family members and friends for it is beneficial to anyone, not only martial artists, especially during the present, trying times. The corona virus will be defeated so long as we follow the expert and government guidelines. Let’s unite to fight and defeat the mental bug.
In modesty & calmness